Saturday, June 21, 2014


Checking out the mini Eiffel Tower before I get to see the real one! I had an 8 hour lay over in Las Vegas until the next flight to London-Gatwick so I took the opportunity to explore the strip. Next stop - the UK!


  1. Replies
    1. I imagine so! I am going to take a comparison shot with this one. Im headed to Paris in two weeks!

  2. When you do visit the real Eiffel Tower, be sure to go to the top (or the second to top) viewing floors. The view is incredible and it's worth the price of admission. Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures!

    1. Okay I will! I am leaving to go there on July 18th and I'll be staying for 3 days. And I will be wearing the shirt too just to compare with the Vegas one!
